Credits : 3 Course Objectives To prepare and educate students on the most important topics of Microsoft Excel, this course has the following main objectives: 1. Prerequisite : MTH 110 or MTH 115 or MTH 122 or MTH 201. (3-0-0) Offered fall and winter semesters. Catalog Description An introduction to Excel spreadsheets and its use as a tool in problem solving and applications. At the beginning of the semester, you will receive an email notifying you when the course is live and how to access all of that information. You will be charged for the course materials via your GVSU student account, and a "GVSU SAVE Charge" will appear on your student bill.

Your required course materials will be available through your Blackboard account on the first day of class. Samah Mansour Office: D-2-228 MAK PHONE : (616) 331-3051 E-MAIL : OFFICE HOURS: Tue 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM Location: Office Wed 1:00 PM -1:50 PM Location: Zoom by appointment Course web site available on GVSU Blackboard ( ) Credits: 3 Course Information The last day to drop with a " W" is October 28 by 5:00 PM Required e-text and Software (GVSU SAVE Program) Your Office Microsoft 365: Excel 2021 - MyLab IT When enrolling in CIS 231, you are participating in a course in the GVSU Save program. CIS 231- FALL 22 1 School of Computing This Course Syllabus Provides a General Plan for The Course: CIS 231: Problem Solving Using Spreadsheets Instructor and Course Information Instructor: Dr.